Daily Archives: January 11, 2025

Vizio Y8387450S/ 0150CAN01E00 (450) Main Board for E50-E3

Vizio Y8387450S/ 0150CAN01E00 (450) Main Board for E50-E3

Vizio Y8387450S/ 0150CAN01E00 (450) Main Board for E50-E3


Vizio M550nv Main Board 3655-0102-0150 3655-0102-0395, $40 Credit For Old Dud

Vizio M550nv Main Board 3655-0102-0150 3655-0102-0395, $40 Credit For Old Dud

OFFER DESCRIPTION – PLEASE READ IN FULL! The board was serviced and tested by Coppell TV Repair LLC. Upon receiving and installing the board to satisfactory results you can return your old dud subject to the terms and conditions specified in a section below. Number (suffix does not matter) is the unique identification of the revision of the board that contains the particular set of components that makes it work on the Vizio M550NV model. Other components would be used in other versions of the board to be used on other models. They would have the same large “0171″ number since they use the same PCB, but a different 36XX-ABCD-WXYZ number. Differences may be small or big, but as a rule of thumb you want to replace a board in your TV with the same or knowingly compatible one or you risk malfunctioning and even damage (we ourselves learned that the usual expensive way). Before placing an order you must open your TV and verify that this is the board you need. It should be used ONLY on Vizio M550NV models and, ideally, only as a replacement to a board with the same unique identification number. While there can clearly be a large number of failures and failure symptoms that probably can’t all be listed, here are the most common ones we’ve seen this board cause that we’ve seen. Totally dead TV ; this can be caused by a bad power supply as well, but at least for the XVT553SV model we’ve seen the main board being bad more often than the power supply board. The front LED indicator blinking endlessly, but the TV never starting up. The front LED blinking for a while and then stopping just as it should, but then the TV hangs without doing anything. Loss of HDMI ports or loss of audio. We also offer repair service for the times when we are out of this board. We prove the board’s functionality with a video, so if you intend to return the board make sure to sign it with a Sharpe so you can be sure it will be that same board we show you functional (if it is, of course). TRADE-IN CONDITIONS FOR THE OLD DUD. 2 The board must arrive in good physical condition allowing subsequent electrical repair and reuse of the board. Sometimes when components fail and burn they also leave burn marks on the board. Most of the time such traces are not affecting the ability to restore the board’s functionality, but in some extreme cases this may be a problem. 3 The board must not have missing or replaced components or have otherwise been tampered with. There may be exceptions for any of the listed conditions, but we reserve the right to be the judge on whether your board qualifies for an exception.

3655-0122-0150 0171-2272-3237 Main Board REPAIR used in VIZIO XVT553SV XVT473SV

3655-0122-0150 0171-2272-3237 Main Board REPAIR used in VIZIO XVT553SV XVT473SV

3655-0122-0150 0171-2272-3237 Main Board REPAIR used in VIZIO XVT553SV XVT473SV

3655-0122-0150 0171-2272-3237 Main Board REPAIR used in VIZIO XVT553SV XVT473SV

No board for sale in the listing. You have to send your own broken board for repair. We will return it back to you after repair. REPAIR SERVICE for YOUR OWN. Main Board used in VIZIO. HDMI has no signal. Frozen on Vizio logo. Please ask any questions you may have.